Visuales y pixel mapping para el concierto de Alice Wonder en el Circo Price. Iluminación y escena by Hernán Pérez.

TRES, a dance play of Taiat Dansa
Video, Pixelmapping and sound.
The choreographers of the company Taiat Dansa, Meritxell Barberá & Inma García, face in this new work the desire to explore the possibilities and the ...

AV Show at Conde Duque for the presentation of the record "Nothing is Objective" by Suso Saiz.
This time with a string tercet for the last 15 minutes of the concert.
(Sound from ...

Lightning system design for MYA club in Valencia.
Light design and installation.
Visuals for the pixelmapping.
Video documentation.
With Radiante. ...

From the Centro del Carmen de Cultura Contemporánea Radiante team were entrusted with the task of making the accesses visible in a timely manner and breaking the barrier imposed by the architectural style of the façade on ...

Stage design and art instalation for TEDx Ciutat Vella at CCCC.
Light Design.
Video documentation.
With Radiante ...

Light show for the Burning Man Honoraria project Renaixement by Pink Intruder.
Light design and installation.
Video documentation.
With Radiante team.
Renaixement at CCCC.
Pictures by Noel ...